- 3,000.00 TL
2,000.00 TL
Add Unlimited Languages: | |
Unlimited Product Management: | |
Uploading Gallery to Products: | |
Adding Technical Specifications to Products: | |
Using Specifications as Filters: | |
Using Specifications as Filters: | |
Adding Variants to Products: | |
Additional Priced Variant System: | |
Date Selection Variant System: | |
Variant System with Radio Button: | |
Illustrated Variant System: | |
Variant System with Text Input: | |
Inter-Variant Stock Combination: | |
Bulk Product Update: | |
Adding Comments to Products Module: | |
Advanced Cargo System: | |
Adding Cargo Companies Module: | |
Fixed Cargo and Separate Cargo System: | |
Automatic Image Resizing: | |
Unlimited Category Management: | |
Subcategory Management: | |
Category Detail Pages: | |
Feature Filter in Categories: | |
Brand Filter in Categories: | |
Price Range Filter in Categories: | |
Sorting Options in Categories: | |
Product Display Selection in Categories: | |
Listing Subcategories in Categories: | |
Showing Product Options in Categories: | |
Unlimited Brand Management: | |
Brand-Specific Product Lists: | |
Brand-Specific Product Lists: | |
Brand Listing on the Home Page: | |
Electronic Catalog Upload: | |
Advanced Basket System: | |
Shopping with or without membership: | |
Free Shipping Campaign for more than X in the Cart: | |
First Order Discount Campaign: | |
Additional discount campaign in cart: | |
Discount Coupon Module: | |
Warning for Products with Changing Prices in the Cart: | |
On-Site Notification Module: | |
Bulk Email Sending: | |
Automatic E-Mail Module: | |
Bulk SMS Sending: | |
Automatic SMS Sending: | |
Membership System: | |
Active/Passive Membership Module: | |
Member Groups Module: | |
Special Sale Price for Member Group: | |
Special Discount for Member Group: | |
Ticket Support System: | |
Special Ticket Settings: | |
Adding Products to Favorites: | |
Product Comparison Module: | |
Advanced Sales Statistics: | |
Advanced Order Statistics: | |
Advanced Visitor Statistics: | |
Grouped Product Showcase Module: | |
Showcase Module with Tab Option: | |
Opportunities Showcase: | |
Banner Showcases: | |
HTML Content Showcase: | |
Slider Module: | |
Middle Slider Module: | |
Story Module: | |
On-Site HTML Field: | |
Header and Link System: | |
Home Page Module Sorting: | |
Photo & Video Gallery Module: | |
Promotional Video Module: | |
HTML Page Module: | |
Pricing Table Module: | |
Blog Posts Module: | |
Services Module: | |
Blog & Services Comment Module: | |
Opening Popup Module: | |
Counter System: | |
Customer Comments Module: | |
Frequently Asked Questions Module: | |
Special Contact Page: | |
Custom Shopping Settings: | |
Virtual POS Module: | |
Payment System by Credit Card: | |
Payment System via Money Order/EFT: | |
Money Order/EFT Payment Notification Module: | |
Cash on Delivery System: | |
Payment System at the Door with Credit Card: | |
Free Product Order: | |
Foreign Currency Payment Receiving System: | |
Unlimited Delivery Country: | |
Exchange Rates Module: | |
Account Number Addition System: | |
Advanced Order Detail System: | |
Order Cancellation Module: | |
Product Return Module: | |
Management of Order Statuses: | |
Operator Note System: | |
Product Offer Order Module: | |
Single Product Order Module: | |
Viewing All Active Carts Module: | |
Invoice Template Design Module: | |
Email Template Design Module: | |
Caching System: | |
Custom Code Addition Module: | |
Maintenance mode: | |
Input-Output Log Records: | |
Advanced Admin Module: | |
Admin Authorization: | |
Advanced Store Management: | |
Advanced Theme Settings: | |
Unlimited Font Downloads: | |
Store and Panel Demo Mode: | |
Special Format XML Product Output: | |
Google Merchant XML Product Output: | |
Akakçe XML Product Output: | |
Cimri XML Product Output: |
PTT AVM XML Product Output: |
HepsiburadaXML Product Output: |
Facebook XML Product Output: |
Adding Products Module via XML: | |
Transferring E-Mail Addresses to the System with XML: | |
Transferring GSM Numbers to the System via XML: | |
Sitemap Management: | |
N11 Marketplace Module: |
Trendyol Marketplace Module: |
PayTr Payment Module: | |
İyzico Payment Module: | |
Shopier Payment Module: | |
WhatsApp Support Module: | |
Live Support Module: |
Php E-Commerce Packages are Single Site Domain Licensed.